TRIVIUM Frontman Reveals Worst Thing About Touring Under Threat Of Terrorism
July 21, 2007TRIVIUM vocalist/guitarist Matt Heafy has answered ten questions submitted by fans on the band's message board. A couple of excerpts follow:
Q: How does terrorism affect a touring band with a lot of equipment? Particularly at airports.
Matt: Nowadays we try to always ship what we need to have overseas and have duplicate equipment of all the big crap like amps, cabs, drums, risers, lights, and all that. We basically just ship guitars, wireless, pedals, and other bits and bobs thru a music transportation company. I'll tell you what does suck now from all that terrorism airport crap… the fact that I can't bring my bathroom supplies on the plane anymore. That's about the only thing terrorists accomplished — making people's lives just slightly inconvenient at airports.
Q: Do you believe you are good role models for your fan base?
Matt: For sure. Lots of bands these days provide shit examples on how to live to younger fans, or people who want some sort of role model. Whether these bands actually are drug addict, misogynist, fire-breathing, fighting tough guys; or they just play one for show — it's all a crappy image to portray. We're down-to-earth people like everyone else who just happen to have a killer job that they get to share with the best fans in the world.
Read the entire question-and-answer session at this location.